2024-2025 Season
Baltic Expedition, In Medio Choir, October 25 7 PM & October 27 3:00 PM
At the Holidays In Medio Choir, December 20, 2024 7:00 PM, The Grotto, Portland, OR and Saturday, December 21, Augustana Lutheran Church
Sing, My Child, In Medio Choir, March 19, 2025 7:00 PM, Grant High School, Portland, OR
Passion and Resurrection/with Capella Romana In Medio Choir, May 16, 17, 18, 2025.
as Lady Jane in Gilbert and Sullivan’s Patience, Light Opera of Portland
Brunish Theater May-June 2025
What is a contralto? They are the lowest of the female (but not always female) voices—somewhere between a mezzo soprano and a tenor. What makes it interesting is that I’m barely over 5 feet tall & don’t appear like a typical operatic contralto. I have performed with opera companies, choirs, and chamber ensembles across the Midwest and Pacific Northwest.